The Springfield Gardens Apartments | | 6116 Cumberland Avenue Springfield, Virginia 22150 220 Units Total Savings To Date: $368,784.73
| Michael A. Barton Vice President Energy Management Gates, Hudson & Associates, Inc. | |
"Since 1996 WSI has installed over 2,000 toilets for us a various locations.". . . "WSI is always conscious of the needs of the client, very attentive to any concerns that may arise, and always on the lookout for ways to reduce the clients' utility expenses. In my current position as Utility Systems Manager I would not hesitate to have WSI work at any of our sites, and would highly recommend them to other management companies. If you have any specific questions, I can be reached at (703) 876-9590." | Michael A. Barton - March 10, 1998 | Average Gallons Used Per Household Per Day | Before Our Program | During Our Program |
| 320 240 160 80 | | | 12/96 | 3/98 | 6/99 | 9/00 | 12/01 | 3/03 | 6/04 | 9/05 | 12/06 | 3/08 |
| | |
| Annual Fairfax County Water Authority Cost $151,776
| $53,769
| Without WSI | With WSI | |